题意:Weaviate OpenAi 导入数据速率限制错误 问题背景:
I have a book list in json file and i need to import them to weaviate db with opeai - ada module. I will ask questions to OpenAI through a web page about these, and I want it to fin…
1.创建springboot项目,引入maven依赖 <dependency><groupId>com.google.guava</groupId><artifactId>guava</artifactId><version>23.0</version></dependency>2.创建guava布隆过滤器
public class Gua…
Funding social care: an international comparison
Lessons for Britain from other countries 原文:
To judge by the record of successive British governments, reforming social
care is almost impossible. But other rich countries have managed to gra…