6. Netflix.Hystrix
6.1 简介
● 扇出
多服务之间调用,若微服务 A 调用微服务 B 和微服务 C,微服务 B 和 微服务 C 又调用其他微服务,这就是扇出
● 服务雪崩
原本使用Android Studio 版本是4.1.1,现更新为 点击build -》 build bundle -》build apk,项目报
Could not determine the dependencies of task :app:compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configur…
CREATE EVENT clear_interactive_logs ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS 2023-09-21 23:36:36 DO DELETE from t_interactive_log WHERE id not IN (SELECT * from (SELECT id from t_interactive_log ORDER BY occer_time DESC limit 20000) x ); END ———————————…