com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: No provider available from registry for service .... , please check status of providers(disabled, not registered or in blacklist)2、 查看是不是 对应的providers 没有 注册上去 找到 zk 对应…
[python 刷题] 2866 Beautiful Towers II
题目如下: You are given a 0-indexed array maxHeights of n integers. You are tasked with building n towers in the coordinate line. The ith tower is built at coordinate i and has a height of heights[i]. A co…
Question: 式 (1-1) 给出了经传输速率为 R 的 N 段链路发送长度为 L 的一个分组的端到端时延。 对于经过 N 段链路一个接一个地发送 P 个这样的分组,一般化地表示出这个公式。
Answer: N ∗ L R \frac{N*L}{R} RN∗L 时&…