想用数据线从 windows 手提电脑传文件入 iPhone,有点迂回。
参考 [1],要在 windows 装 Apple Devices。装完、打开、插线之后会检测到手机,界面: 点左侧栏「文件」,不是就直接可以传,而是要通过某个应用传…
乘积求导法则、除法求导法则和链式求导法则 1. Constant multiples of functions (函数的常数倍)2. Sums and differences of functions (函数和与函数差)3. Products of functions via the product rule (通过乘积法则求积函数的导数)4. Quotients of functions via the quoti…
以下是源码中对 JoinPoint 的描述
A runtime joinpoint is an event that occurs on a static joinpoint (i.e. a location in a program). For instance, an invocation is the runtime joinpoint on a method (static joinpoint). The static part of a given joinpoint can…