目录 1.首先安装好gitlab和gitlab-runner,这两个,看我以往的教程
2.注册新的 Runner
3. 步骤 3.1 Enter the GitLab instance URL (for example, https://gitlab.com/): 3.2 Enter the registration token: 3.3 Enter a description for the runner: 3…
文章目录 Redis为什么需要持久化?持久化分类RDB(快照snapshot)AOF (Append Only File)AOF VS RDB混合持久化 扩展1:生成RDB快照命令对比扩展2:模拟断电恢复数据扩展3:设置持久化方式…
一、Please briefly describe the objectives of information and network security,such as confidentiality, integrity, availability , authenticity , and accountability
The objectives of information and network security include:
Confidentiality: Protecting se…